hic jacet การใช้
- It reads : Hic jacet d?
- He was buried with the simple inscription " Hic jacet Achardus episcopus cujus caritate ditata est paupertas nostra ."
- Philosophus bonus dignus Astrologus lotharingus, Vir pius et humilis, Monachus prior hujus ovilis Hic jacet in cista Geometricus et Abacista, Doctor Walcherus.
- His inscription read : " Hic jacet Erasmus Webb, Sacrae Theologiae Baccalaureus, cujus Regiae Capallae quondam Canonicus, qui obit 24 die Martii, Anno Domini 1613.
- :: : : : : : When I die they will probably put on my headstone " Hic jacet an argumentative sod " and I shall be very pleased.
- And particularly in the more labored second half of the book, Harrison's eloquence is undone by academicisms or the rhetoric of Heidegger ( " The hic of the hic jacet,"
- A 14th-century effigy of Pabo, along with the words HIC JACET PABO POST PRUD CORPORS . . . TE . . . PRIMA, is found on a stone in the church.
- On her tombstone is the text : " " Hic jacet in pace Augusta Carolina Friderica Luisa Ducis Brunsuicencis-Guelferbytani Filia Friderici Guilielmi Caroli Ducis Vurtembergensis et Supremi Praefecti Viburgiensis Uxor Nat . d.
- He died in September of the same year and by his orders the words " Hic jacet pulvis, cinis, et nihil " were put on his tomb ( here lies dust, ashes and nothing ).
- On the chancel floor there is a half-length brass of a priest in mass vestments, with the inscription,'Hic jacet Hugo Parke quondam istius ecclie Rector in artibus magister sacreque theologie bacularius .'Hugh Park died in 1514.
- The inscription on Malory's tomb read : " HIC JACET DOMINUS THOMAS MALLERE, VALENS MILES OB 14 MAR 1470 DE PAROCHIA DE MONKENKIRBY IN COM WARICINI, " meaning : " Here lies Lord Thomas Mallere, Valiant Soldier.
- He is interred in the cathedral of Pamplona, his sepulchre bearing the inscription " Hic jacet Reverendus Martinus ab Andosilla et Arles, doctor in sacra theologia, canonicus, et archidiaconus vallis de Aibar, in eclesia Pampilonensi qui diem clausit extremum.
- And some day or two before the designed journy, in the night fell into an apoplex, was annealed and died the next day . " The convent at Pontoise contained his tomb which was inscribed " Hic jacet umbra, et pulvis, et nihil ."
- On the north side of the apse is an early 13th-century tombstone, inscribed : " Hic Jacet Adanz de London Quandam Rectoristius ecclesiac cujus aizinzae propiehir Deus " There are two ashlar monuments in the apse to Richard Lely, who died 1734 and Anna Lely, died 1733.
- His tomb is inscribed : " " Hic jacet corpus Joannis Roan, S . S . Theologiae Doctoris, Laonensis Episcopi, qui obiit 5?die Septembris, A . D . 1692 " . " ( Here lies the body of John Roan, DD and Bishop of Killaloe, who died on 5 September 1692)